Sooo, the logical question is WHICH university? The relevance of video games to education depends upon which U. you're going to. I mean, Brock, for instance, probably has a degree focused around video games, whereas more -ahem- reputable U.s like McMaster... I'll stop. BTW, did you tell your mom about the reference thing?
although i'm not quite sure how college and video games relate... :)
laurier is like the coolestvidoegamecollegeofalltime, right Calvin?
congrats BTW!!!
i guess that means....what about the conference????
Oh we'll have to see
Congratulations CALVIN!!!!
congrats, sounds like alot of fun :)
the game looks sweet, collage and video games go together like peanut butter and jelly!
Sooo, the logical question is WHICH university? The relevance of video games to education depends upon which U. you're going to. I mean, Brock, for instance, probably has a degree focused around video games, whereas more -ahem- reputable U.s like McMaster... I'll stop. BTW, did you tell your mom about the reference thing?
i sure did tell her, and i got accepted to a uni that is waaaaayyyy better than McCrapster:
and by the way, there is no real relavence between video games and university, i just thought that it was a funny pic
umm yes there is calvin.
haha McCrapster!! that's almost as bad as Slohawk!! (jason) ;)
baha waterloos better!!!
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